Food that Balances Your Hormones Naturally

 When you talk about Food and all the implications that the word has and even after so many thousands and thousands of years, still has, you would think that men would have evolved and would be an experts on the subject. No matter how much technology we have developed over all these years, men still crawl like a baby as far as good food, wise eating habits are concerned, etc… etc…

So we have found out about all the food properties, what that food is good for, or how we should eat this or that to avoid getting overweight or get the right nutrition if you have certain illnesses that you think it will be good to prevent or to cure that kind of sicknesses…

We will eventually find out that some people can’t afford to buy good food. Why? Good food is expensive, supplements are expensive.
Only people who make a lot of money can eat the food that is good for you.

Now, with all those things that men have found out we have another discovery to do; Find out how to get all the healthy food to the people that can’t afford to buy it! So, that is the part that I have been wondering about. We need programs. We need subsidies, we need the government to step up and start to create programs that will have everyone able to get the good food to their table.

I ask you; Do you have any ideas? Please, sign up, leave a comment or subscribe, and tell me what idea you have. We do have good food. I am sure about that. Your opinion and suggestions will be appreciated.

Anyway, I have this research that I did about good foods that should be on our table. Try to go to places and compare prices. That’s what I do. Like vegetables, they still are cheaper than meat, and you can have them instead. There are a lot of delicious vegetable dishes that you can cook for your family. So, in My next post, I will have some very good recipes for vegetables that will be made rich. I can’t wait to talk to you again, thank you! Meanwhile, down here are some suggestions for foods that will help you. Please, read and do the best you can. I hope I was able to help.

You might know by now that I believe we are what we eat, but, that really doesn’t mean that if we eat wrong it is our choice, because, as I have said before, FOOD IS EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE. Please bear with me and let’s try together to make a simple meal a very grand meal, indeed!



It’s the healthiest nuts that supply your skin, with the health that you need. It has been scientifically proven that it increases the levels of Adiponectin Hormone, which helps the regulation of blood sugar levels to prevent and control the high-insulin androgen ripple effects.

Researchers have found direct tyes when almonds are consumed, a significant reduction in the levels of not-so-healthy male Hormones, like Testosterone that make your skin dry and thinner.

Almond Blossom

You must add about 11 almonds to your day-by-day consumption of Almonds. Increase, if you will, but, be careful with the intake of calories.

We try to eliminate Nuts because of the whole calorie content, but maybe we are missing some of the crucial. We often don’t pay very much attention to the Hormone balancing profiles of food, such as Testosterone, which is very important to maintain and decrease the damage to the health of your skin. We can safely balance a very healthy diet that will contribute to our skin, maintaining balanced Hormones.

Almonds Nature



Dark green veggies, like Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, and Spinach have a lot of Antioxidants, Vitamins, and naturally occurring compounds, indole3 Carbinol, and sulforaphane, that enhance the potential of the Liver to metabolize Estrogen.

Broccoli on Wood Table

Estrogen helps increase Collagen which makes our skin young, and tight. It helps the skin also self-repair by increasing the blood flow that reaches the skin. By the time the levels of Estrogen that are within the body start to decrease, the skin and other organs will shrink and pull inwards. We must consume at least a cup of dark leafy green veggies every single day.


Avocado in a Green Setup

Avocado, coconut, and Olive Oil are overflowing with healthy fats that help the body keep and control healthy cholesterol levels while having a strong capacity for synthesizing Hormone. It helps your skin to be healthy allowing the release and circulation of essential Hormones that keep all the natural beauty of your skin.

Avocado, coconut, and Olive Oil are overflowing with healthy fats that help the body keep and control healthy cholesterol levels while having a strong capacity for synthesizing Hormone. It helps your skin to be healthy allowing the release and circulation of essential Hormones that keep all the natural beauty of your skin.

To keep the membrane healthy and vitalized, Avocado, with its healthy fats enhances the Natural lipid layers of our skin cells. It will increase the skin’s ability to retain water avoiding dull and dry-looking skin.

A half Avocado a day brings up a handful of Nutrients like monosaturated fatty acids, Potassium, Vitamin C and E, and Fiber, which add to shield the skin from bad results from the sun.


Loaded with heart-healthy  Omega3 fatty acids, it is a major building bold in synthesizing both, Hormone and Cholesterol levels. Being very beneficial to the health of the heart and brain, it helps very much in generating and regulating Hormones. Loaded with heart-healthy  Omega3 fatty acids, it is a major building bold in synthesizing both, Hormone and Cholesterol levels. Being very beneficial to the health of the heart and brain, it helps very much in generating and regulating Hormones.

It was found in research that Salmon has a huge anti-inflammatory which helps soothing and preventing plenty of skin ailments like acne and eczema.

Eat 4 ounces of Salmon twice a week.



I want to reveal to you that the yolks of the Eggs do not have bad Cholesterol. The Eggs’ yokes have the good HDL Cholesterol that is required by the body to generate Essential Hormones.

I want to reveal to you that the yolks of the Eggs do not have bad Cholesterol. The Eggs’ yokes have the good HDL Cholesterol that is required by the body to generate Essential Hormones.

Moreover, HDL cholesterol will soften the skin and will enhance its beauty. It’s wise that you eat one egg a day to maintain healthy fats and HDL cholesterol, which will keep your skin healthy and beautiful, and so, your body energizing protein.


Quinoa in a Bowl


These amazing grains are essential to fill up your body with energetic hormone-regulating nutrients. It’s loaded with all the best Nutrients and Minerals plus Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Protein.

Quinoa is not like other grains that usually are high on the Glycemic index and can threaten to heighten your blood sugar levels. Quinoa stabilizes blood sugar levels as it is a complex carb, brimming with heaps of protein.

This helps the body control the Domino Effect that happens when high blood sugar levels increase Insulin levels, bringing it to a dangerous rise in Androgen levels.

We want to advise you to eat Quinoa twice in the place of any Grains, like rice and bread.

You will need a half cup of Quinoa twice every week. That will have energizing Nutrients and balanced Hormones and Minerals that will keep a tight and firm skin.

Thank you again!


Luzia Soares.

Article I have gotten from research on Natural Remedies and prevention.