Restore, does a Great Skin, Pure Radiance

America’s #1 anti-aging pioneer reveals…

Why No One’s Getting Facelifts Anymore

It’s a stunning achievement — even for the beauty industry. Despite its many dangerous side effects, Botox has become a $14 billion-per-year industry.

But I’m about to reveal what the industry wishes
I wouldn’t.

It’s an ancient secret flower that holds the key to younger, more youthful skin. An end to sagging skin and trouble areas that the Botox industry would gladly take thousands from you to address… and have you risk your good health.

Best of all, this miraculous secret flower has NONE of the terrible side effects of Botox.

And… it can work for you even if you’ve had Botox already and are sick and tired of the painful injections and uncertain outcomes.

Despite what you’ve been told, Botox is NOT the solution. No. Thousands of women are finding that the natural path is much safer, and the results are nothing short of miraculous.

I won’t keep my mouth shut about it. Because I think you deserve to know beauty secrets that will transform the way you look and feel…


Before I reveal what this miracle flower is, let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Al Sears… I’m a medical doctor with a thriving anti-aging practice in South Florida.

Over the last 30 years, I’ve helped nearly 25,000 patients find relief from their most serious health problems. I help them with proven natural cures and natural beautifiers, such as those I’m sharing with you today.

Now, let me walk you through the many benefits of this amazing miracle worker, a flower so potent it has left researchers amazed.

We’ll begin with nature’s way to dramatically transform your skin and restore your youthful beauty — without a single needle.

Harness a superpower that tightens and firms your skin.

It restoresplumps and fills out your skin to smooth the looks of wrinkles — making you look years younger.

Finally, this youth-generating natural formula hydrates skin so it looks luminous
and young.

Ancient Flower with Healing Powers

Let’s go back to the roots of the Madonna Lily to explore the powers that Mother Nature has given to the “mother of all lilies.”

As it turns out, the Madonna Lily is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It has been a healer for more than 4,000 years.

The Madonna Lily was regularly used by the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides for women’s diseases.1

Not to be outdone by the Greeks, the Egyptians regarded the Madonna Lily as a healer for women — most notably their skin. Egyptian doctors crushed the bulb and used it to treat inflammation.

The Romans are said to have steeped the bulbs of the Madonna Lily in oil and used the extract to care for their sore feet.

And crushed lily petals were applied to the skin to make it luxuriant and smooth — and helped reduce lines and wrinkles.

The lily is so revered for its healing powers, there are depictions of lilies adorning the column capitals of ancient civilizations in Egypt, Assyria, in the Minoan culture and Solomon’s Temple in ancient Jerusalem.

It is mentioned several times in the Bible, including in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
In the Middle Ages, it became the symbol of innocence and purity and was dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

This is an herb that has been able to withstand the tests of time. Fast forward to today, when interest in this amazing flower peaked.

In a clinical study reported in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, participants were treated with an extract of Madonna Lily for 28 days.2 What they found astounded the researchers.

The women had marked improvements in skin luminance and tone around the eyes.

That’s in line with the results I have personally seen in my clinic. And I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a secret that you’ll be amazed by.

Better yet, this remarkable discovery is just one of many amazing secrets I’ll reveal to you today — secrets you can use to:

  • Decrease crow’s feet by 14%
  • Improve skin elasticity by almost 10%
  • Increase skin density by 28%

That’s because this powerful formula also features…

  • Guarana seed extract
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
  • Avocado oil

And here’s the list of what these amazing nutrients can do for you.

Guarana seed is nature’s most powerful youth-restoring nutrient —
it smooths, firms and reduces sagging skin, and boosts collagen.

Japanese researchers have found that CoQ10 supports production of the thin membrane that separates layers of your skin, increasing elasticity and “plumping” of your skin.

French studies have shown that avocado oil improves skin cell metabolism and enhances skin thickness — essential for that
youthful glow.

I knew with such a strong formula I would need a delivery system like no other.

Restore and Support Your Skin

And here’s where these nutrients come together. The formula I have created utilizes a cutting-edge delivery system known as “advanced liposome technology.” This distribution system ensures that vital nutrients are delivered exactly where your skin needs them the most, providing maximum benefits. The dermis is the underlying layer of skin that supplies nourishment and oxygen, and removes waste. In other words, it’s responsible for keeping your outer layer of skin healthy.

Liposome technology is designed to support and nourish this deeper layer of skin by delivering nutrients directly to it. All of these powerful ingredients are encapsulated in a liposome shell — an organic container that carries the beautifying agents deep into the skin cells. That’s where they do the most good.

You’ll instantly realize the advantage on your first application.

It’s time to reveal the name of my best beauty enhancer yet…

I call it Restore.

You’ll just call it simply amazing.

I knew I’d hit upon the ultimate combination when women everywhere couldn’t get enough.

“Within a few minutes of applying the cream, it visibly plumps out the under-eye area and my cheeks as well as those annoying lines that deepen as we age between the nose and lips. It also felt like it was tightening and smoothing my skin at the same time.
I definitely feel I look younger whenever I use it,” said Amy B., of Montville, New Jersey.

“The lines around my mouth and eyes are filled in and my skin is tightened. I love having younger-looking skin, so I will continue using Restore,” raved Cathy C., of Florida.

The best part is that this cream has no adverse side effects, doesn’t require a doctor’s visit or prescription, and is 100% natural.

Restore’s liposome shell is composed of phosphatidylcholine or PC for short. While cell membranes repel water, they absorb PC because they’re actually made of it. As a result, Restore is delivered deep into the cell for maximum firming and volume.

When you apply liposome cream to your face, the liposomes in the skin cream work their way inside your skin, fuse with the skin cell membranes and then release their contents directly to the cells.

Regular skin creams don’t have this capability.

A Formula Designed to Take Years Off
Your Face in Minutes

Once it’s penetrated the deeper layer of skin, Restore releases its unique blend of botanicals, vitamins and essential oils. This combination reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, gives skin a more even tone, and moisturizes the interior layers of your dermal cells, firming and plumping your skin.

Restore is also loaded with vitamin C, which British researchers have found reduces both wrinkles and dryness.

In Restore we use magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a more stable form of vitamin C that doesn’t break down in liquid as does ordinary vitamin C. That means the antioxidant molecules stay intact within your skin cells where they can prevent damage from dangerous free radicals.

What Other Youth-Boosting,
Skin-Beautifying Nutrients Are in Restore?

  • White tea (Camellia sinensis) has 3 times as many antioxidants than its green cousin and it’s rich in catechins, which are strong
    anti-aging compounds.
  • Vitamin A, also known as retinol, to help reduce the look of wrinkles and smooth out lines.
  • Japanese Green Tea for hydrating, toning, firming and diminishing the look of wrinkles. Plus, it helps increase your skin’s permeability so your skin can soak up the nutrients.

Where can you get Restore… and this exclusive combination of youth-boosting nutrients?

Well, you can’t get in any store or TV infomercial and it’s not on Amazon. That’s because I want to make sure you’re getting the real thing — not a cheap, watered-down knock-off.

That’s why I only offer it here and through my online store.

I guarantee you that Restore is unlike any other age-reversing and skin rejuvenating cream, serum, or lotion you’ve ever tried.

Restore is the only topical dermal-filler that gives you advanced liposome delivery technology with this exclusive combination of nutrients which penetrate deep into your skin’s structure to restore smoother, softer, firmer and more youthful-looking skin. Trust me, this one won’t end up sitting under your sink half-used or in the trash.

If you don’t want to resort to painful injections, then Restore is perfect for you!

Try it Risk-Free!

Why you must reactivate your fountain of youth FAST!

You’re born with ample amounts of hyaluronic acid, which is why when you’re young, your skin is so velvety soft and smooth.

Then it happens…

As you age, hyaluronic acid supplies start to run low.

Your cheeks starting to sag, wrinkles form around your mouth and creases line your forehead.

Your skin becomes drier and thinner.

The solution?

Restore with hyaluronic acid.

Meet the Happy, Beautiful Faces of Restore

I hear from dozens of women every week experiencing amazing youthful transformations in their skin. Here are a few who put it to the test and are overjoyed with their new youthful-looking skin… and it didn’t take so much as a prick, a stick or a poke of a needle.

Are you ready to turn wrinkled, sagging, dull skin young again?

I’m confident the results you’ll see and feel will have you exclaiming “Wow, I can’t believe how radiant, smooth and young my skin looks! Dr. Sears… PLEASE keep my Restore Instant Volume & Lift coming. I can’t be without it!”

Let Nature’s Botanical Blend in Restore
Transform Your Skin

(and your wallet because surprisingly it doesn’t cost a fortune!)

$500 for injections? $250 for a jar of anti-aging cream? Why spend hundreds when you have to repeat injections every 6 months and your hope in a jar only turns to disappointment. You’ll be amazed how affordable Restore is! Smooth this silky serum on morning and evening and you can expect…

  • Deep wrinkles are visibly smoothed, taking 5-10 years off right from the start.
  • Creases and crow’s feet look plump up and filled in.
  • Your nasolabial fold lines (the ones running from your nose to your mouth which are a dead giveaway to your age) — could fade dramatically. You might barely notice them.
  • Uneven skin tone and trouble spots could visibly fade for a smoother complexion — without using harsh chemicals.
  • Sagging areas around the jaw line are noticeably firmer, more lifted.
  • And that uneven, splotchy, dry skin? Soft, smooth, and supple — as if you turned the clock back 20 years.

Try Restore RISK-FREE and transform your aging skin without so much as a stick of a needle — or a hole in your pocket.

I’m confident you’re going to experience the same, “Wow, I can’t believe the difference in my skin” results as Susan, Amy, Cathy and C.S. you already met, which is why I’m giving you…

4 FREE GIFTS Just for Giving Restore

First, I’ll send you the 2 FREE BONUS e-REPORTS
filled with all of my top secrets for boosting your “look younger”
results even more. You’ll get…

A $19.95 Value!

Purify Your Body in 6 Easy Steps

Boost your radiant, look-younger skin results with the 6 simple steps in your FREE BONUS e-REPORT #1, Purify Your Body in 6 Easy Steps. Follow the 6 detoxing steps for an immediate change in how you look and feel — reverse the aging process.

  • The 4 foods to cut back on for raving beauty! Page 4
  • Instantly release toxins — even while you watch TV!
    Page 4
  • Purge mercury from your body with a popular herb used to make salsa!
    Page 5
  • “Fast flush” your liver and your kidneys with this sassy Native American tonic! Page 7

Plus, you get my personal secret smoothie and juice recipes that flush toxins fast — including my famous “10 Years Younger” juice!

Because I want you to experience the absolute best results, I’ll also send you…

A $19.95 Value!

Dr. Sears’ Steps to a More
Youthful Neck

Your dewy-fresh youthful-looking skin is going to look amazing. But… don’t forget about your neck. It ages faster than any other area of your body, making it a dead giveaway to your age. Rejuvenate your youthful neck with the surprising secrets in your FREE BONUS e-REPORT #2, Dr. Sears’ Steps to a More
Youthful Neck.

  • The instant-plumping ingredient to make sure is always in your skin cream — and 3 ways to boost it naturally. Page 7
  • Bring spring and volume back to “turkey neck” by making skin cells young again — all you need is this blockbuster nutritional supplement. Page 8
  • 5 simple moves to banish saggy neck, make a double chin disappear and firm your jaw line FAST! Page 10

And I’ll also personally see to it that you get…

Free Shipping & Handling

Yes, I’ll pay the shipping — that’s how confident I am Restore can bring back your
youthful-looking skin and gorgeous complexion. You keep the $8.95 in your pocket!

As if all of this weren’t incredible enough… this may be the BEST reason of all to order today…

A $69.95 Value!

Free Bottle of Restore

Get all of the wrinkle-smoothing, skin transforming nutrients you just read about delivered deep into your skin needle-free.

Better than Botox?

You bet.

You decide for yourself.

Order today.

Stop Searching for the Holy Grail
of Anti-Aging…

Isn’t it worth a RISK-FREE try to:

  • Visibly reduce the look of wrinkles and fine lines that give away your age…
  • Drench dry, flaky skin in moisture for a softer, smoother, dewier complexion…
  • Firm and tighten cheeks, mouth and eye area…
  • Speed skin cell renewal for a fresher, younger, healthier appearance…
  • Improve your skin’s structure by boosting collagen…

FINALLY an anti-aging serum that does what it says…

Helps you restore your skin to gorgeous, glowing and youthful-looking again!

Restore with advanced liposome technology is a stunning breakthrough in anti-aging skin care. You’ll see and feel results almost immediately. When your skin looks great you put your best face forward.

You know what that means? You’ll walk down the street, go to the mall, or meet your friends for lunch and feel Hollywood gorgeous.

Order today. You won’t be disappointed.

Please send before and after photos, too, so I can see the difference Restore has made in your skin. I love hearing from you and your friends!

To Your Good Health,


Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S. Remember, you have 90 days to try Restore and see how it transforms
your skin.
 If you’re not 100% satisfied for any reason just return the bottles within 90 days of purchase, I’ll return every penny you paid. The FREE GIFTS are yours to keep.

P.P.S. Still need a little convincing? Here’s what another Restore believer had to say:

Try it — there’s NO RISK. It works for you… or it’s FREE.

Please make your selection below.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary from person to person. No individual results should be seen as typical.


  1. Haggett P and Bateman G. Encyclopedia of World Geography. Marshall Cavendish Corp., 1993.
  2. Eberlin S, et al. “Effects of a Brazilian herbal compound as a cosmetic eyecare for perioribital hyperchromia (“dark circles”).”
    J Cosmet Dermatol. 2009;8(2):127-135.